The Bears’ new president, Kevin Warren, should fit right in at Harras Hall.
It’s a situation made for him to enjoy the most.
“I’m a big believer in challenges and wouldn’t do it if it was easy,” said Warren, now the Big Ten commissioner.
In the NFL, there is no bigger challenge than turning a 3-14 team into a Super Bowl winner. So Warren has come to the right place.
“I never see anything negative,” Warren said at a news conference on Tuesday. “There are no negative situations. There are only opportunities.”
Think of Harras Hall as a land of opportunity.
The Bears need someone to bring them vitality and energy, and it sounds like Warren is that person. I see it as an opportunity to do something special.
“If all the pieces were in place, it wouldn’t have been so appealing,” Warren said. I believe.
“From a positive standpoint, I think the Chicago Bears hit the spot. We have so many positives.”
The team’s chairman, George McCuskey, says one of Warren’s greatest strengths is his attention to detail. Warren did not object.
“We keep doing it the right way,” said Warren. “We work hard. We have fun. We are diligent, detailed and methodical.”
“We act with integrity and honor at every step.”
Warren explained his attention to detail and how small the difference is from the first of his three NFL teams before Chicago, the 1999 Dick Vermeil Super Bowl champion St. Louis Rams. .
“I believe I never missed a step,” he said. “I tell this story all the time. Mike Jones tackled Tennessee at the 1-yard line, so I got a Super Bowl ring, a Super Bowl trophy. St. Louis, the best show on the turf.” We had a successful season in the NBA.We won all those games.We were just 4:24 apart all year and got 1 tackle at the 1 yard line.Five Hall of Famers. As a Hall of Fame coach, I know I have to pull my stuff together.
“We can’t be on the same page. When problems arise, we have to speak them out and put them on the table to move forward.”
Another aspect of Warren’s distinguishing personality is his competitiveness. A former college basketball player who said he trained with wrestlers to build endurance and strength, he still puts all his effort into competing, Warren said his wife Greta can attest to this. said.
“They started giving up the Yard of the Month Club and she looked at me and said, ‘You know what happens here.’ When I saw the Garden of the Month sign, I went outside, got some mulch, and brought in a professional to cut and cross the garden.
“What happened? I won the Yard of the Month about three months later. I was so proud of it, but it was just a lesson learned.”
Bears can use anyone who leans into it.
Soldier fields could also take advantage of the grass improvements.
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