
To report your score
Coaches or team representatives are asked to email [email protected] to report results as soon as possible after the game. Please include your name/contact information.
► Contact Alex Abrami at [email protected]. follow him on twitter@aabrami5.
►Contact Jacob Rousseau at [email protected]. Follow us on Twitter@ByJacob Rousseau.
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HS game on friday
boy hockey
Northeastern (NY) Rice, 7:45 p.m.
women’s basketball
Mount Abraham Middlebury, 7pm
Missiscoy North Country, 7pm
Colchester in Vergennes, 7 pm
men’s basketball
Burlington, South Burlington, 7pm
St Johnsbury, Essex, 7pm
Mount Mansfield, Champlain Valley, 7pm
BFA-st.Albans at Rice, 7pm
Harwood’s Lyndon, 7pm
Lake District of Lamoille at 7pm
Spaulding at Thetford, 7pm
U-32, Hazen at 7pm
Winooski’s Stowe, 7pm
HS games on Saturday
girls hockey
Kingdom Blaze Hartford, 3pm
Mount Mansfield, Champlain Valley/Spaulding, 3:15 PM
Harwood’s Middlebury, 3:30 p.m.
BFA-st.Albans at South Burlington, 4:50pm
Essex in Burlington/Colchester, 5pm
U-32 Stowe, 5pm
Rice at Burr and Burton, 5pm
Brattleboro, Mississoi, 7:15 PM
Rutland, Woodstock, 6:10 p.m.
boy hockey
U-32 Mount Mansfield, 3pm
Spalding’s Champlain Valley, 5:15 PM
Burlington at Burr and Burton, 7pm
BFA-st.Albans in South Burlington, 7pm
Mississoi, Stowe, 7:30 PM
Milton, Woodstock, 8:10 p.m.
Essex, TBA in Potsdam (NY)
Saranac Central (NY) Rice, 8:30 PM
women’s basketball
Burlington, Rutland, 2:30 p.m.
Champlain Valley, Shenandoah (NY), 2:30 PM
Hartford, St. Johnsbury, 2:30 p.m.
Richford, Enosburg, 2:30 p.m.
Lyndon, Thetford, 12:30pm
Richford, Enosburg, 2:30 p.m.
Lake District Montpelier, 3:30 PM
men’s basketball
Milton of Mississoi
Enosberg of Middlebury
Milton of Vergennes
Enosburg of the North Country
Middlebury, South Burlington, 1:45pm
(Scheduled to change)
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