Throwing Punches At A Boxing Gym In Central Michigan - ATSwins Staff Handicappers

Throwing punches at a boxing gym in central Michigan


Lansing, Michigan — Want to float like a butterfly, sting like a bee or blow off steam? Central Michigan has some great boxing gyms. Here are two examples you should check.

Empower Lancing
Watch out for all the heavy hitters. emPOWer Lansing feels like the next Muhammad Ali.

“We have a great community here. We make sure everyone here is inspired and really wants to be part of the community,” said founder Brian Daniels. .

The boxing gym and fitness gym on E. Michigan Avenue offers a cozy atmosphere that makes you want to exercise.

“We have several types of boxing classes. We offer TRX classes, HIIT classes, and yoga. We have a 24-hour weight room on the other side,” says Daniels. “Whether it’s your first time here or you’ve been here for years, everyone helps each other. We all talk, partner up in some classes, and work on different boxing drills together.”

Some of the drills you’ll learn include many partner glove drills, where you simply hit the glove and work on straight punches.

Anyone over the age of 16 can participate, regardless of fitness level.

“We can accommodate you and make adjustments to make sure you get through your workouts. It won’t be easy, but you will have fun and you will learn something “This is something we are really proud of. Not just talking to you, but actually learning boxing,” Daniels said.

They currently offer student specials that apply to virtually everyone.

“Everyone is a student of life. Unlimited classes are available for $1 the first month, then $87 per month. After that, unlimited weight room is just an extra $10,” Daniels said. increase.

Click here for class details and how to sign up.

crown boxing club
Be part of the legacy at the Crown Boxing Club, 6 minutes from Lansing.

The non-profit organization started in 1976 with the goal of supporting the youth of the area.

Head Coach Ali Easley said: “We will support disadvantaged and poor youth in our communities to develop the skills, mindset, discipline and self-awareness to participate in the sport of boxing and reflect it in their daily lives. We aim to make it happen,” he said.

This facility was donated by DeMar.

“We have more than 200 people visiting our facility every day,” says Easley. “We are United States USA Olympic Boxing Affiliates.”

After walking through the club, it’s time to get down to business.

“When you walk through the door, it’s going to be hard work and effort and learning the art of boxing,” Easley said. “They learn proper footwork with jump rope and ring work, learn how to use different bags, such as heavy bags, double-ended bags, etc. They also teach defensive aspects.”

There are so many different pieces of equipment in the gym, and Easley says he touches on all of them, not just general conditioning to help people stay in shape.

Boxing clubs offer many programs and are open to the public and also offer programs through Lansing Parks and Recreation.

“We have amateur programs here. We have programs for professional athletes. We also have college programs through Michigan State University and Lansing Community College.We also have programs for people with Parkinson’s disease.” says Easley.

There are also several free youth programs underway.

Click here for more information on pricing and how to sign up.

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