Swansea Gyms Boxer Shows His Strength In Week 3 Of The Golden Gloves - ATSwins Staff Handicappers
Swansea Gyms boxer shows his strength in Week 3 of the Golden Gloves

Swansea Gyms boxer shows his strength in Week 3 of the Golden Gloves


FALL RIVER — Swansea’s Punishment Striking Systems wrapped up the 2023 Southern New England Golden Gloves Amateur at the Fall River Police Athletic League on Saturday night. The team’s success was due to the high attendance and fun of the boxing tournament.

Champions were crowned in the Open, Novice and Sub-Novice classes. The Open Champion and Novice Champion will advance to his four-week New England Championships starting Thursday 16th February at Lowell Auditorium in Lowell.

Qualifiers for Punishment Striking New England include Christopher Rivera (165 Novice), Jonathan Delgado (147 Novice) and Michael Didino (147 Novice). Punishment Striking Boxer that night he won three of his four bouts.


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