Potterville High School Basketball Player Survives Heart Attack, Returns To The Game He Loves - ATSwins Staff Handicappers
Potterville High School basketball player survives heart attack, returns to the game he loves

Potterville High School basketball player survives heart attack, returns to the game he loves


POTTERVILLE, Mich. (WILX) – Last June, Damarion Hicks went into cardiac arrest on the high school basketball court shortly after returning to the bench.

“It was really sudden. I thought everything was fine,” said Da’marion Hicks.

Damarion’s brother and teammate Christopher Hicks said, “I turned around and all I saw was my brother lying on the lap of his friend Benecio.”

Teammate Benicio Caesar Vázquez said:

Damarion’s mother, LaShawn Smith, said Damarion had been dead for over seven minutes.

Through CPR and a defibrillator, he was saved by a stranger. It was the Marines and surgeons in the audience who saved Damarion’s life.

Potterville hosted a ceremony honoring them at the high school gym before Saturday’s game

LaShawn Smith, Damarion’s mother, said, “I would like to thank them because according to what I was told at the hospital, I couldn’t have a son until today.

They didn’t know it at the time, but the multisport athlete was born with a heart defect that impeded blood flow.Open-heart surgery fixed the problem, and recovery was a team effort.

Damarion Hicks escaped death. “When I pick up something, they say, ‘That’s too heavy, too heavy,'” he says, Da’Marion Hicks. With so much support, his mother said he never slowed down.

Now, Damarion is back on the court playing alongside his brother.

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