To Sean Jones: Pauly Malignaggi questions whether Ryan Garcia ‘mentally’ wants to box, won’t tune up to prepare for April 15 megafight against Jerbonta ‘Tank’ Davis The fact that he chose to do so makes me suspicious of him.
Malignaggi isn’t saying what he suspects, but it could be the same thing Tank Davis trainer Calvin Ford recently mentioned about Ryan’s changing physique.
Pauly also asked if Ryan (23-0, 19 KOs) had his heart in the boxing game after having to get up off the deck in a fight with Luke Campbell in January 2021. I’m wondering.
Ryan has fought twice since then, pitting Emmanuel Tagore and Javier Fortuna against Soft Punchers in Gimme Fights.
Malignaggi feels that ryan got scared What happened to him in the Battle of Campbell made him worry that his carefully crafted image would be blown away if he continued to fight frequently.
Had Ryan stayed active and battling top-tier competitors, he could have been knocked out and lost the chance to cash out big money against Tank Davis.
“still don’t know why [Ryan] Garcia doesn’t want to tune up fight before [Gervonta] Davis battle. I have a little suspicion, but I don’t know,” said Paulie Malignaggi on Pauly TV.
“It’s kind of weird that it’s going to be a big fight. Ryan wasn’t that active and now I’m not going to be in a tune-up fight. We could have taken advantage of the tune-up fight,” Malignaggi said.
Of course, Ryan could have used a tune-up fight, but if he was fighting someone half-hearted like Mercito Gesta, he might have lost. If he was good enough to drop Garcia, Gesta might have done the same, and there’s no way of knowing if he’ll rise from his downs.
“First, let’s see if there’s a fight,” said Malignaggi. “I hear April 15th.

“Physically, Ryan has the tools, Mentally I don’t know if he wants to do this, and if you mentally do not want to do this, and if you mentally do not want to do this. In my opinion, Gervonta Davis is combat-tested, ”he said Malignaggi.
As Paulie points out, he feels that Ryan Garcia is doing a lot outside the ring, and he doesn’t know if he wants to be a fashion model, a YouTuber, a groupie for the Paul brothers, or a commercial guy. not.
Ryan makes a lot of money outside the ring and doesn’t have to be boxed up to pour in like a faithfully producing oil well, so owners can enjoy passive income without any effort on their part. can.
“He’s been with guys like Pitbull Cruz, he’s seen all the styles, he’s been through tough fights, he’s seen him want to carve his own path. “I also saw Ryan Garcia rise from the canvas against Luke Campbell.
“What I got out of that match was that he came back and beat Luke Campbell, which I thought was positive. he hasn’t been very active since thento me, tell me maybe he got scared If he lost the battle, his entire image, his entire empire of images, could have been blown up in his face.
Malignaggi continued on about Ryan Garcia. “It’s a big pay war with Garbonta Davis. Ultimately, it had to happen. Physically, he [Ryan] Got the tools.
“He’s long, he’s tall, he punches hard, Davis’ defense is solid, but it’s not the best defense. He gets hit, and I think Garcia is the biggest power threat Davis has faced in his career. I don’t think he’s ever been as strong as a fighter.
“Maybe Pitbull Cruz is strong, but Ryan is taller and knows how to use that length in his jab, so I think he was dealing with as many physical attributes as Gelbonta dealt with Ryan Garcia. I don’t think so…he has a big right hand and a hook that will hurt you, he also has faster hands than Issac Cruz.
“So without a doubt, regardless of Ryan Garcia’s inactivity, from a physical standpoint and physical attributes, I think it’s the biggest threat to Garbonta Davis in his career so far. Again, Davis pretty much. We’ve fought good opposition and I think he’s ready for that.
“Athletes like Laurie Romero were tall and Laurie was a good boxer. Also, I have to be honest. I thought there was
“In my opinion, the fact that he was able to stop him, even though he was behind on the scorecards, was a sign he realized his way in a tough 12-round fight and panicked. It shows that you know how to think in your own way.
“I don’t know how a guy like Ryan, who has his back against the wall in such a tough fight against Gabonta Davis, will react and get through it.
“At Luke Campbell’s match, he got up off the canvas and stopped. Does he have the mental leeway to stick to the plan? When he’s in pain, when he’s mentally panicking?
“One of the things we know about Garbonta Davis is he can do that. , I would probably pick Ryan Garcia and win the fight, but with these questions unanswered, I have to pick Davis to win the fight.
“Ryan Garcia has too many question marks, Davis continues to answer his question marks. I didn’t think last weekend’s fight was the most exciting fight, it looked like a sparring session. I have it.
“I don’t think he was ever in a position to be intimidated. It was a good win for Garbonta Davis.
“This was supposed to be Jerbonta’s tune-up fight before the Ryan Garcia fight, but in modern boxing, even tune-up fights are pay-per-view. I thought the undercard was no good.”
“Gervonta fought the battle of the thinking man, cut his way through the fight, slowly and gradually, and eventually timing Hector Garcia. He didn’t want to continue.
“I don’t think there was anything wrong with his eyesight. I think he had had enough. He took a payday. I think I went home a few days later, which is a shame.
“I didn’t think he was bad at boxing. I think that’s how it was.
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