Morris/Choquio Alberta Tigers Beat Bulldogs, 72-49 - ATSwins Staff Handicappers
Morris/Choquio Alberta Tigers beat Bulldogs, 72-49

Morris/Choquio Alberta Tigers beat Bulldogs, 72-49


January 10 — MORRIS — The Morris/Choquio Alberta Boys’ basketball team had an impressive performance Monday night in a 72-49 victory over Painesville.

Ninth grade Riley Asmus had 19 points, 8 rebounds, 4 assists, 3 steals and 2 blocks for the Tigers.

Drew Huebner added 14 points and 4 assists and Drew Stoke added 10 points for Morris/CA.

Painesville, which shares a 2-0 record with Eden Valley Watkins for first place in the Central Minnesota Conference, is 7-3 overall.

The Bulldogs will host Kimball at the CMC game on Tuesday at 7pm. The Cubs are 1-1 in CMC and he’s 5-5 overall.

Morris/CA will take on BOLD in the West Central Conference match on Tuesday at 7:15 pm on Bird Island.

Painesville (7-3) 20 29 — 49

Morris/CA (5-4) 38 34 — 72

PAYNESVILLE — no statistics

Morris, CA — Scorers: Tyler Berlinger 6, Owen Anderson 5, Riley Asmus 19, Drew Hubner 14, Charlie Hanson 2, Kyle Fehr 6, Max Leetz 2, Rylan Larson 6, Drew Stokes 10, Jack Trefson 2 … 3 -Point Shots: Asmus 5, Fehr 2 … Rebounding Leaders: Asmus 8, Berlinger 5, Storck 5 … Assist Leaders: Berlinger 5, Asmus 4, Huebner 3, Fehr 3 … Steal Leaders: Asmus 3, Asmus 2 … Block Leader: Asmus 2

Lakeview went on a six-game winning streak, while Lakki Pearl Valley lost five straight Camden Conference matches in Madison.

The Eagles head to Tracy Milroy Balaton on Friday.

Lakeview (8-1) 31 31 — 62

LQPV (2-7) 28 19 — 47


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