Hannah Westin - Shiloh Christian Girls Basketball - ATSwins Staff Handicappers
Hannah Westin – Shiloh Christian Girls Basketball

Hannah Westin – Shiloh Christian Girls Basketball


Bismarck, North Dakota (KFYR) – Great players make great teams. This is a simple but accurate statement, and has been since the beginning of team sports.

Hannah Westin fits the description of a good player. She was a regular in the Skyhawks’ starting lineup for many years. Although she is a senior now, her role as a team general began long before her 12th grade.

“She’s a gamer! She’s very competitive. She’s a great leader for the girls on and off the court. part,” said Dan Seifert, Shiloh Christian’s head coach.

“I love the on-court chemistry and will continue to develop it. I love the way we approach practice. I think that’s really good for the match.”

And during these games, Westin says what her team values ​​above all else.

“We love defense. We have a few different defenses that we like to play and we like to play aggressively on the ball and trap all the time, so it’s a lot of fun,” says Westin. .

While Shiloh tries to steal the ball on defense, the Skyhawks want it in Hannah’s hands on the offense.

“Hannah Westin is a very good point guard. She handles the ball very well. She definitely knows where it should go. She’s definitely one of our better scorers. She knows how to get into the lane and shoot,” said Shiloh Christian Sr. Hayley Quam.

“She works hard no matter what. She’ll be able to shoot right hand, left hand, inside, and outside. If she wants, she can post for us.” She’s one of those players who can do anything for you,” Seifert said.

When Westin isn’t playing basketball, you can probably find her running.

“I definitely think basketball has helped me in track and cross-country because I think it’s always been the mental part of being offensive, not the physical part. I just have an aggressive mindset when I’m doing whatever it is, and I think that translates into running as well,” Westin said.


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