Golden String Boxing Club Opens On Pearl Street In Youngstown, Ohio - ATSwins Staff Handicappers
Golden String Boxing Club Opens on Pearl Street in Youngstown, Ohio

Golden String Boxing Club Opens on Pearl Street in Youngstown, Ohio


Youngstown, Ohio (WKBN) — Youngstown has a proud boxing history, and a new gym is continuing the legacy for younger generations.

In the basement of Pearl Street Mission is a new boxing gym called the Golden String Boxing Club.

There’s an old boxing saying about rolling with a punch. Chase Welch, who has been boxing for four years, would agree that this phrase sums up Youngstown.

“From a small city like Youngstown to five world champions, I think it says a lot about the character and work ethic of the people and boxing here,” says Welch. “Youngstown is about grit, determination, hard work, and that’s what boxing is about.”

Co-founder Sam Calderon was a professional boxer. He says he has fought in 20 professional fights in his career.

“I want to bring kids here from anywhere and teach them how to box,” says Calderon. “If you associate boxing with life, you’ll find that a lot of discipline is required.”

This isn’t the first time he and co-founder Tom Cordell have worked together at a boxing gym.

“[Calderon] “He was trained in Massachusetts, so he had a lot of experience working with two world-class trainers alongside the Petronelli brothers,” says Cordell.

The two say they want to help talented and dedicated boxers, even if it means losing profits.

“If you can’t afford to buy a membership, we can help you.

The Golden String is located on Pearl Street in Youngstown and is open Monday through Saturday.


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