
Interested in soccer?
Elwood City Soccer Boosters will be hosting a free clinic on Sunday, February 26, 2023 for Elwood City and Chenango students currently in grades 8-11 (including Cyber, Charter and Lincoln Park).
The clinic will be held in Lincoln High School’s large gymnasium and will be led by BC United coaches and staff. Both male and female students can participate.
Elwood City students can pick up a registration form at the office. Chenango students can obtain registration by contacting the Athletic Director.
The clinic will be open to the first 50 participants who return completed forms.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Questions – Email: [email protected]
The Elwood City Area School District is looking for a youth soccer coach. Coaching experience is preferred. Please submit letters, resumes, references and permits of interest to Principal John Sovic, 501 Crescent Avenue, Elwood City by Friday, February 3, 2023. [VIEW MORE]
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