Eagles Q&A: Britain Covey Talks About His Famous Grandfather - ATSwins Staff Handicappers
Eagles Q&A: Britain Covey talks about his famous grandfather

Eagles Q&A: Britain Covey talks about his famous grandfather


Every week during the 2022 season, I’ll be checking out the Eagles Media Guide for interesting nuggets.

The Eagles’ PR intern fills in these little oddities in the media guide nicely, and serves as a good way to meet the players behind the helmet.

This week we spoke with a rookie receiver/return man. His famous grandfather, Stephen R. Covey, has written numerous self-help books, including his best-selling over 40 million copies worldwide, “His 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” .

myself: What was your upbringing like? When did you notice his influence?

Covey: There were several different times. We had firesides, without quotes, growing up. He used to teach his grandchildren and children about his books and his principles, but I remember always hating going to them because they were long. Now that he’s gone, I look back and think, ‘If I could go back…’ I didn’t really start to understand. But honestly, it was cool to get to know his post-life.

myself: yeah, that’s interesting. Because you weren’t an adult when he died.

Covey: completely. But the first time he found out who he was, he remembers traveling in Europe. I was like twelve. Like when you check into a hotel or a taxi driver or whatever, someone mentions my last name maybe six times he or his seventh and sees the name Covey and says, ‘Like the author? will say. We went to Germany, London and Paris and realized that Grandpa had a big impact on a lot of people. But all that he taught and wrote, he was. He never claimed any of these principles as his own. he just put them in the formula. That’s how great he was, that he was so humble. He never claimed that this was my material. He said this was built from what I found and I think it’s a very humble approach.

myself: Are you more grateful for it now?

Covey: absolutely. 100 percent. I have prepared and tried to live his books many times. In particular, “First seek understanding, then be understood.” My favorite of the 7 Habits. I don’t know if you’ve read it or remember it, but it’s one of his 7 Habits. No. 5. First seek understanding, then be understood. My grandpa said it was the hardest, so I tried it. And it helps all. That’s just the principle in general. Whether you’re frustrated with the situation I’m in or whatever it is, when you’re actually really trying to understand and listening with the intention of understanding instead of replying. You know you’re there, right?

myself: yeah, sure.

Covey: It’s so easy to listen with the intention of replying and I really don’t understand. loved him I miss him.

myself: Do you have a special copy of his book?

Covey: My dad does and I use him. So my father is his namesake. Stephen MR Covey. My father continues his legacy and has written several books of his own.

myself: Is that the end?

Covey: Do not know. Let’s see. Only do such things when prompted or called to do so. Because that was the way they did it. It’s not that they grew up wanting to write. They didn’t do it until they felt they had something to share. But I wanted people to know how he was doing in his personal life, because he was what you wanted him to be.

myself: How was he personally compared to the person who wrote the book?

Covey: One is that I liked to break down the stereotypes of what a businessman should be in the sense of being stupid. He seemed like the dumbest person you’ve ever met. He met the President of the United States and trained him or something and wore these false teeth and wigs. So, I was a prankster and he was a prankster, so he and I always had a great relationship. Even on this team, I’m petite and goofy, so I feel like I’m part of his comic relief for a lot of men. But I learned from my grandfather. You are in this very serious business situation and he plays a prank on someone.

myself: i like that Thank you very much.

Covey: Absolutely.

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