Claude Soubert's Storied Career In Marathon Basketball - ATSwins Staff Handicappers
Claude Soubert’s storied career in marathon basketball

Claude Soubert’s storied career in marathon basketball


Marathon, Wisconsin (WSAW) – Marathon is the city of basketball.

Their basketball heritage spans decades and dates back to three consecutive state titles from 1975-1977. Over the long history of the marathon, he has participated in five state championships in his games, of which he has won four.

Some have been around to see all of their success

“As you know, Soubert is the name of Marathon and Claude Soubert is the name of Marathon basketball,” said junior Grant Warren.

Claude Seubert started his career in Marathon in 1972. One of seven brothers he knows how to patrol the floor He’s 6 foot 4 points He stepped into the gym as a guard.

“We had a great team. Instead of one, we had two. It meant we could play whatever we put on the floor,” Seubert said of those teams. was fun. “

His head coach, Tom Weinkauf, described Soubert as something special.

“He was one of those players who had a strong desire to lay the groundwork and be successful, but was willing to pay a price to succeed,” Weinkauf said.

Claude Saubert playing Marathon Basketball in 1976.
Claude Saubert playing Marathon Basketball in 1976.(WSAW)

That thought led to victory. In two seasons with the freshman and junior varsity teams, he dropped just one game. First game of his freshman season. He graduated with two gold balls in his hands during his two national team seasons, in which he did not lose a single game.

’ It was just amazing. It’s just a good time when these crowds are seen in sections and states,” he said.

The player stayed out of the game for eight years and saw Marathon win another state title in 1977.

In 1984, however, he was asked to change his title.

“Thirty-eight years ago, Director Rich called me and asked if I wanted to do it,” Soubert said. I say He says, ‘Why don’t you spend a day or two thinking about it? ”

The decision turned out to be a slam dunk. His 39-year success on the bench has largely continued with his freshman year and junior varsity team.

’ I never counted them. In fact, I didn’t even know how old I was.I didn’t even know how many wins I had until I became a coach [Adam] Jacobson of course mentioned,” said Soubert.

On December 29, Soubert recorded his 600th career victory. For more than half a century, Soubert has been a player and coach with three golds on his ball, Wisconsin. He was inducted into the Basketball Coaches Association Hall of Fame.

Claude Seubert receives the ball for his 600th career victory in marathon basketball...
Claude Seubert receives a game ball for his 600th career win in the Marathon Basketball Program.(WSAW)

“I think he was the heart and soul of the men’s basketball program for the last 50 years,” says varsity coach Adam Jacobson.

A passion that the 64-year-old craves for more.

“I love the game of basketball and I love teaching kids how to play basketball.”

Seubert added that he doesn’t know when he will leave the program, but said he will continue to do so as long as his passion continues.


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