
Boxing Day, which follows Christmas, is a holiday that originated in Great Britain and is now celebrated throughout Europe and in many countries that were formerly part of the British Empire.
In the United States, the two weeks following Christmas are sometimes called Boxing Days, but for very different reasons.
This period, which ends on Sunday, contains so much excess waste (mostly cardboard boxes) that some cities in Ventura County have contracted garbage collectors to bag it. It specifies that extra curbside collection of the entered materials must be provided free of charge.
Now that the allowable period for litter generation and untidy roadside installations is over, now might be a good time to remind residents that all of their weekly waste must be placed in roadside carts. .
Fold the box or do a “Seattle stomp” if you can do it safely. This is a move that became popular when the City of Seattle began offering different container sizes and volume-based pricing.
Some garbage truck drivers, wanting to please their customers or avoid complaints, keep getting out of the truck’s cab and empty carts for the second tip of the truck’s automated arm. load the material into the However, doing so increases the travel time of the route and increases the costs for the company providing the waste service. To make matters worse, getting out of the taxi onto the road is dangerous. In fact, according to his 1999 study at the University of Miami, “solid waste hauling” is his third most dangerous job in the United States, behind logging and commercial fishing.
Also, items left on the outside curbs of containers or piled up in overfilled containers often end up in the trash. Of the seven main sources of garbage identified in the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation study, two are garbage collection areas (business and residential).
There is good news about recycling cardboard. A similar item that many people call “cardboard” can also be placed in the recycling container. Everyone knows that regular cardboard can be recycled, but some people don’t know that plywood, corrugated paper, and paperboard can also be recycled.
What is the difference? Corrugated board is defined as two layers of kraft paper separated by corrugated paper. That phrase is an industry-language way of saying that it is a thick paper sandwich with corrugated paper in between.
Other terms are names for thin types of paper several times thicker than cardboard, such as those used for cereal boxes, shoe boxes, and paper tubes for toilet paper rolls. In areas collected by Harrison Industries and Athens Services, milk cartons, drink boxes, Tetra-Pak containers and even aseptic packaging are pulled from roadside mixing carts for recycling.
The bad news is that if you have too many items in your curbside cart, taking them to a buyback recycling center is not a good option. Only a few accept it for free, like Gold Coast Recycling in Ventura. Anything else will not be accepted. Since the Chinese government imposed restrictions on imports of American scrap, the value of cardboard scrap has been too low to pay for the costs of consolidation, packaging and transportation.
For this same reason, it is important to avoid contamination and preserve the value of your cardboard. The sides of cardboard pizza boxes with grease stains or cheese should be discarded rather than recycled. Local sorting centers have problems selling bales when the visible side of the export container contains pizza box residue.
Daniel Marks, CEO of Berg Mill Supply, which sells most recyclable resources in Ventura County, said in an email. However, this does not mean that it is safe to start (including questionable items). Not safe. ”
Commercial companies that produce large volumes of corrugated board typically have balers on site. Employees can include your big box in the company’s program from home if you kindly ask or know someone who works there.
I sent an inquiry to Trader Joe’s and Target headquarters asking if this was common.
Cartiay Fox, Target’s senior communications manager, said, referring to a web page that shows how much Target cares about recycling and what a great job the company is doing with it, “At this point we have no more sharing. He responded with a statement that there was nothing to be done. ”
Dedicated recyclers will probably get the best results by checking with individual employees at similar stores.
You can contact David Goldstein, Environmental Resources Analyst for the Ventura County Public Works Agency at 805-658-4312 or [email protected].
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