Pleasanton Pleasant: Foothill Boys soccer win twice last week | News

Pleasanton Pleasant: Foothill Boys soccer win twice last week | News


The Foothill boys’ soccer team, which has struggled all season without earning much of a reward, picked up two victories last week.

The week started with a 1–0 loss to the Doherty Valley, who were in first place at the time of the game.

From there, everything was good for the Falcons.

The first was a 1-0 victory over San Ramon Valley. The winning goal was scored by Anthony Bonev from an assist for Fernando his Garcia. Goalkeeper Duncan Carothers kept a clean sheet for Foothills.

The week ended with a 3-1 victory over the San Ramon Valley. Bonev, Alejandro Ramirez and Arnuff Riedy scored. Matthew Tahir had two assists and Bonev had three.

foothill women’s basketball

The Falcons had one of the best games of the year, but lost to California 53-52.

Savannah Montini led the Falcons with 22 points and Riley Young scored 16 on the Foothills.

Foothill Women’s Soccer

The Falcons scored from three players while beating the Doherty Valley 3-1.

Freshman Claire Young scored the first goal and scored a corner kick. Kiana Tamasebi scored the Falcons’ second goal, while Gianna Gero scored the Foothills’ third and final goal.

Spring season is almost here!

It’s hard to believe, but the East Bay Athletic League’s spring sports season officially begins next week.

Ok, there may be some unofficial practices going on right now, but the “legal” practices start on Monday.

That means it’s time to start begging parents and team representatives to send in weekly results.


It’s sad that so few people submit their students’ sports day results every week. In the past, spring has been the time when I have had the most results on a regular basis, so there is hope.

Of course, that may be part of the amount of sports done in the spring, but spring usually offers a fair amount of golf, tennis, softball and volleyball from both Amador Valley and Foothills. .

Then it turns to what happens in winter sports. Amador’s results vanish as if the sport never existed.

Foothill baseball, lacrosse, and even track and field, we regularly send results.

Having graduated from Amador in 1979, it pains me to see this happen. When I went to Amador, the parent volunteer was always happy to spend 15 minutes a week helping the athletes meet their deadlines.

They don’t seem interested now.

What’s great about winter is that the people at Foothill are splitting the wins and losses and sending in the results. If you’ve seen the records of both schools’ winter teams, there have been some struggles, but Foothill continues to send out results every week.

Heading into the spring, I want people to get involved and send me their results on paper.

This does not apply to coaches. They bust their tails regularly for little money while enduring the parental issues inherent in high school track and field.

Parents should step up and submit the results.

If you are a parent of a spring athlete and think you might be able to do this, please contact me. [email protected] And I’ll show you how easy this is by walking you through the sports your students play.

My reward is to support high school track and field, and I promise not to spend more than 15 minutes a week.

It irritates me to have to write this every high school sports season.

Be part of the solution, not part of the problem. please email me Let’s do this work together!

Editor’s Note: Dennis Miller is a sports writer for Pleasanton Weekly. To contact him for the Pleasanton Preps column, send an email. [email protected]


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